Ivan ends up on Time.com
Old friend and SJSU alum Ivan Kashinsky recently had a story published on Time magazine's Web site. Ivan documented Pablo Fajardo, a lawyer who represents 30,000 Ecuadorians in a lawsuit against the oil giant Chevron.

Take a look! I thought it was worth mentioning, besides his work always inspired me so why not share it.

The lawsuit alleges that Texaco, acquired by Chevron in 2001, left behind oil waste pits during the eighteen years in which it drilled in the region and that this has contributed to a higher rate of cancer and other ailments among the settlers and indigenous people who live there.
Take a look! I thought it was worth mentioning, besides his work always inspired me so why not share it.
Labels: documentary, Ivan Kashinsky, personal, photojournalism, san jose state university
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